Sunday, 1 July 2012

Email productivity tips

I don’t know about you, but I have historically struggled with my email inbox. It seems that there is a constant stream of emails to action or respond to. And not just when you’re in the office, but when you’re out and about and there they are, on your iPhone or Blackberry.
As a subscriber to Andy Bounds (link at the end of this post), one of his ‘Tuesday Tips’ I found to be extremely useful when dealing with emails, and here is his 4 step guide to email productivity:
When you receive an email either:
  • Deal with it there and then
  • Delete it
  • Delegate it to someone else
  • Diarise it till a specific day or time
By following these simple rules, and trying to just check my emails once or twice a day, this saved loads of time.
The biggest time saver for me though was by delegating my email to a trusted colleague. Anything they can’t deal with they ‘star’ (we use Google Apps for business) for me to look at later. This means that email is being monitored and dealt with by the right person.
Andy’s tips are very useful – have a look here.


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